Wednesday, October 3, 2012


There is power in words.  Power in the way words are put together.  They say, “A lot of the time it’s not what you say, but how you say it.”  This can mean the tone of your voice or, more importantly, the words you choose to convey your thoughts.  You mean one thing, but because you used a synonym for just one word, it becomes something that has a negative connotation and things become misconstrued.

The word is mightier than the sword in that it only takes an utterance of a few words to catapult two nations into a war, and it takes thousands and thousands of swords, or weapons, to end it.  Many times even that isn’t enough, and it takes words from both sides to end it.

They say, “Silence is golden,” and “Speech is silver;” but if your speech is coated in wisdom, then it should be worth your weight in gold.  Conversely, if your speech is dripping with ignorance, it isn’t even worth the oxygen it took you to articulate the sentences you put together.  Silence is great, but too much and you’ll be overlooked.  Speech is the same, but instead of being overlooked, you will lose listeners and be ignored.

Words can be sugar-coated and sweet, or hard like consonants.  They can hurt, rebuild, connect, tear down, inspire, and deter.  Words in the hands of someone with a forked tongue, is as dangerous as lighting a spark under someone with oil on his tongue—and I don’t mean that literally.  If someone who can talk slick gets inspired, there’s not much that can stop them from getting what they want.  Depending on what they want, this can be a good or a bad thing—either way, it is dangerous.  That is why it is important to think before you speak.  If people listen to you, even your empty words hold a lot of weight.

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Words by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

A Distant Memory

I remember being in love. It is a distant memory, far from the shores of the ocean that is my consciousness. It is as though it's from a life that's not my own. Or from a dream I had long ago, only remembering vague bits and pieces, and questioning if those remembrances are even real...lips mouthing the words 'I love you' and arms wrapping me in a familiar embrace...

If I ever suspect these memories to be false all I have to do is take a look at my scarred heart. Scarred from when I opened it up, invited someone in, and was more surprised than a family on Extreme Home Makeovers when that person I invited in destroys my house as if this were Extreme Home Makeovers. Except in this version, they leave after the demolition and leave me to pick up the pieces.

But that was long ago. I have recovered and have come to terms with the experience. After all this, I am not afraid to open up as I did before. I will not lock the door to my heart. I am just looking for the right person to put the welcome mat out for.—No, not looking. I am waiting. Patiently waiting. Not looking for love or thinking of it for that matter. Although, at times I feel my train of thought (riding on top of my stream of consciousness as though Jesus himself was the conductor) go on unscheduled trips to revisit the idea of keep this at the forefront of my mind, while I try to keep it on the back burners. Though love has brought me some pain, I wear my scars as a veteran wears his war medals, with pride.

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A Distant Memory by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


I’m a dreamer...
A daydreamer, so I rarely get enough sleep.  I stay up late at night, not wanting my dream to end.  Anything is possible; all I need is the courage to take the first step.  It’s a land of possibilities, a land of wonder.  I spend 2/3 of my life dreaming, it’s a wonder I get anything done.  Look back and see how much I dreamed compared to how many times I took action.  The former significantly outweighs the latter, be it because of fear or plain obliviousness due to my dreaming.
“Anything is possible; all I need is the courage to take the first step.”
I continue to remind myself that, but it always seems as though the first step is the hardest one to take.  As if I had shoes full of lead, but after that first step, the lead shoes are turned into skates and I glide my way through this dreamlike state I call life.
In my daydreams, I keep mostly to myself.  Try not to stand out, in fear I will be attacked by those around me.  And yet, day-dreaming gives me an overwhelming sense of freedom.  Who cares if I make a fool of myself or get rejected?  It doesn’t affect my real life.  Nothing’s real in a dream.  I just pretend like it never happened, and before I know it, it’s forgotten.
Every day when I start day-dreaming I can either decide to have a dream or a nightmare because I am the music maker, and I am the dreamer of dreams.  There’s always a silver lining, even in nightmares.  If you look hard enough, you will always find it shining through.  So no, I may not be the guy who everyone can’t help but love, but I am the unique guy who dreams of ordinary things with a little oomph, while everyone else is going through their mundane activities…I’m special…I’m a daydreamer.

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Dreamer by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Apple Pie turned to Literature

My sweetie pie,
Apple of my eye,
Our whole relationship can be described as one big sigh.
Rotten to the core,
At times it felt like we were at war.
Henry Miller said the best way to get over a woman is to turn her into literature.
We were apples and oranges, but I tried to pear us.
Guess I’m one big romantic cliché, like the city Paris.
Screaming out Stella, while she’s on her terrace.
At first it was chocolate strawberries every day.
Then it was all downhill, like we were riding a sleigh.
And boy, did I feel it, like I mispronounced ‘fillet.’
I feel like a plum fool, who’s as bitter as a lime.
I was distracted by her melons—gets me every time.
Now she’s lost and gone forever, never more my darling Clementine.
She’s the apple of my eye, pineapple to be exact;
With a lemon filled inside, so glad we didn’t enter into a contract.
Got off pretty easy, no kids, and I did not contract.
I kept all my seeds, grateful (grapefruit) I didn’t eggplant.
Took me for pomegranate, she was fake like an implant.
She didn’t stand for anything, like the ‘S’ in Ulysses S. Grant.
Which means she’d fall for everything, bowling lane with a banana peel.
She was never current with her dates, so she went in circles like a Ferris wheel.
She was about as real, as any ordeal in a Looney tunes reel.
Our relationship was a juicy grape that was equal to none.
But after a short while, it dried up in the sun
In short, raisins are gross, our relationship is done;
And if it weren’t, I’d be forced to consult my friend, Tommy gun.

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Apple Pie turned to Literature by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Definition of a Man

Does it take a man to admit he needs to be saved, or does it show how much of a man he is not?
Does it take a man to admit he's scared, or does a man stand strong like a rock?
Does it take a man to admit he's jealous, or should a man be secure in himself?
Does it take a man to admit he's wrong, or should a man keep his mistakes to himself?
Does it take a man to admit he's depressed, or should a man drown those feelings out with liquor and shots?
Is it ok for a man to be nervous, and feel as though his stomach is in knots?
Is it ok for a man to be afraid of love, if he's been hurt by love before?
Is it ok for a man to not like scary movies, or do all men take joy in gore?
Is it ok for a man to be insecure, or does a man think that's a woman's trait?
Is it ok for a man to be vulnerable with someone he loves, or does he never let them see him in that state?
Is it ok for a man to follow his heart, or do men only think with their mind?
Is the universal definition of a man the same, or are we all one of a kind?

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Definition of a Man by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Colossal Concupiscence

I suffer from a disease of colossal concupiscence...
You may know it as an abundance of love.
Be wary as you befriend me
And remain cautious as you tread alongside me.
Most of all, do not allow yourself to subconsciously submit to fallacious feelings of immunity because we converse electronically.
This disease infects billions and kills millions...
It causes Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and innumerable tears.
The ones who must live to suffer these adverse effects of love are the most unfortunate, for it is better to have loved and cease to exist, than to have loved and forever live a life full of melancholy.
Heed my warning, for if you don't, love will make you look fatuous and the subsequent agony is inevitable.

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Colossal Concupiscence by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Lie to Me…Please

I would like for you to like me.
Please say that you do.
If you don't, just humor me.
Lie to me, make me think it’s true...

You brighten up my day,
by leaving me in the dark.
No need for dismay,
When there's never disappointment in your heart.
If ignorance is bliss,
I'm in a state of heaven on Earth.
I’m telling you all this
To show what your feelings for me are really worth.
Don't shatter my world with hurtful, little truths.
I pray you lie to me, even though you may find me uncouth.

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Lie to Me…Please by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

In Love

I think I'm in love...
Not with a person, but with so many impossible ideas...
Ideas of peace and happily ever afters,
I'm in love with the impossible idea...of love

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In Love by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Stop and smell the roses…


Beautiful Rose, so delicate and free spirited…Always swaying whichever way the wind blows, as the sun shines upon you…Get close to Rose.  You will see there is more to her than the warmth she gives.  Her cheerfully red cheeks smile whenever you see her.  She tells you she loves you and will never leave.  Rose is there to cheer you up and tell you, you have a friend.  She arrives at your school, your job, or even your front door to surprise you and remind you how much she cares.  Sure there are others, but there’s just something special about Rose.  She smells heavenly, like springtime no matter what the season…


Stop and smell the roses…


Ah yes, Beautiful Rose, so delicate you have to watch every word you say to her and tip toe around her emotions.  So free spirited, she doesn’t care about anything you say, she’s going to do whatever she wants.  She sways this and that way, telling everyone she can’t be tied down.  And yes, the sun shines upon her, but it shines on everyone.  Yes, there is more to her than the warmth she gives, but by the time you find out what else is there, it is too late; you can’t turn back.  Rose says she loves you and will never leave you, but they are all broken promises and lies told through that smile she always shined your way.  She cheers you up and is your friend, but then leaves and you are left with only memories.  She showed up to your school, job, and home, and now you have bad memories about good places.  There’s something special about Rose, but remember there are a lot more out there.  There is a whole field to play in, don’t get so focused on one.  You say she always smells good, but sometimes when you’re so close to something, your senses get clouded.  You’re so into Rose that you don’t notice that she stinks…

Stop and smell the roses…

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Stop and Smell the Roses by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.