Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Definition of a Man

Does it take a man to admit he needs to be saved, or does it show how much of a man he is not?
Does it take a man to admit he's scared, or does a man stand strong like a rock?
Does it take a man to admit he's jealous, or should a man be secure in himself?
Does it take a man to admit he's wrong, or should a man keep his mistakes to himself?
Does it take a man to admit he's depressed, or should a man drown those feelings out with liquor and shots?
Is it ok for a man to be nervous, and feel as though his stomach is in knots?
Is it ok for a man to be afraid of love, if he's been hurt by love before?
Is it ok for a man to not like scary movies, or do all men take joy in gore?
Is it ok for a man to be insecure, or does a man think that's a woman's trait?
Is it ok for a man to be vulnerable with someone he loves, or does he never let them see him in that state?
Is it ok for a man to follow his heart, or do men only think with their mind?
Is the universal definition of a man the same, or are we all one of a kind?

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Definition of a Man by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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