Turns out she’s into a dude named Black Jack.
He probably just wants to Poker,
She’ll sit on anyone’s head, like a snap-back.
Thought she was my Black Queen,
Turns out she had no heart.
How could I have not seen,
That she was two faced from the start?
Thought she was a magician,
She did magical things with my deck.
Turns out she lied to me like a politician,
Talking out the side of her neck.
But you know what? That’s ok,
Because I know her looks will fade.
Just like my respect for her,
And she’ll just become an Old Maid.
Now I have to Go Fish,
Because she and I weren’t a pair.
I’ll find the right girl one day,
If I get over this mal de mer
She may have won the battle,
In this game of War
But the Joker always comes out on top.
Ironic because in the end, I’ll be laughing…
♠♣Joker's Wild♥♦ by http://no-ideas-original.blogspot.com/ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.